Как быстро мои средства зачислятся на счет?

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The exchange acts as a repository of funds that users can transfer to the native wallet in the form of a deposit. In this material, we will explore the factors that affect the speed of asset deposits.

To ensure the transfer of funds to the exchange wallet, set the recommended network commission when preparing to make the deposit. The recommended size of the commission is predicted by a third-party service that is used to increase the priority of a transaction in the general queue and thus include it in the next block of the blockchain network faster.

The size of the network commission has a direct impact on the speed at which the transaction will be hashed in the blockchain, since validators and miners have the right to select individual transactions that are more profitable. The higher the commission – the higher the probability of being processed in priority fashion.

Please be advised that the exchange cannot guarantee the inclusion of a transaction in the next block, since the average transaction commission is calculated by third-party services and is predictable.

Apart from being hashed in the blockchain, the transaction must also receive the required number of network confirmations in order to be processed. The required number of confirmations for a successful deposit is displayed on the asset deposit page.

If you are interested in following the pathway that your cryptocurrencies trace on the way to the destination address, you can always turn to blockchain explorer services. You can also go directly to https://coinmarketcap.com, find the coin you sent and open the Explorer tab. Once inside the Explorer tab, enter the transaction hash and follow its processing by observing the number of confirmations it has received.

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